
A Human Resources Group
multidisciplinary and independent


Key dates
Our offices


Creation of Arthur Hunt

Creation of the recruitment firm Arthur Hunt by Charles-Henri de Beauvoir and Didier Dreyfous-Ducas. Creation of “Hommes et Technologies”, a human resources consulting firm by Axel Parkhouse.


Development in Eastern Europe

Arthur Hunt develops in Eastern Europe and establishes itself in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Russia.


Creation of the Transition Management subsidiary


Creation of the Group

The Arthur Hunt Group, resulting from the merger of ‘Hommes et Technologies’ and Arthur Hunt, is created. It positions itself as a multidisciplinary and independent Human Resources group.


Creation of employment development activity in SMEs and territorial management of employment at the Regional level.


Brand consistency

“Hommes et Technologies” becomes Arthur Hunt Consulting.e


C&B Alternatives joins the Arthur Hunt Group

Arthur Hunt acquires C&B Alternatives, compensation consultancy and salary surveys in the territories.


PFPI certification for employees

Arthur Hunt consultants are PFPI certified. This inventory of personality at work makes it possible to evaluate the dimensions that determine professional efficiency in a company.


Creation of our subsidiary 2ATerritoires

Arthur Hunt creates 2ATerritories. 2ATerritoires brings its HR and industrial expertise to develop bridges between large groups, VSEs/SMEs and public players.


Creation of our LTT and Evocare subsidiaries

Arthur Hunt creates two new subsidiaries: LTT (Leadership Talent & Transformation) and Evocare. LTT supports companies in the success of their transformations (talent review, evaluation of management committees, business transformation, etc.). Evocare accompanies the health, social & medico-social sectors in their evolutions and transformations by paying particular attention to cultural, managerial, social and human dynamics.


QUALIOPI recognition

The Qualiopi certification completes our training and skills assessments.



The Arthur Hunt Group celebrates its 30th anniversary with more than 400 guests in June 2022 at the Cambon Capucines pavilion in Paris.


Our values,

true cement of the Group

The Arthur Hunt Group’s women and men share and hold five strong values. They reflect what we believe in. They form our corporate culture. They are expressed in our daily lives.


Our requirement regarding our customers and ourselves invites us to excellence.


In the Arthur Hunt Group, each component invites us to excellence. Our expectations of ourselves are like those of our customers. But we make a point of exceeding their expectations in terms of resources deployed, innovation, creativity and in carrying out their projects. This quest for perfection, synonymous with performance, requires our teams to constantly exchange and train.


We have been committed to our clients for more than 20 years in the development of their human capital.


For more than 30 years, we have been committed to helping our clients develop their human capital and the content of our solutions today reflects this historical support. We have also been involved for many years in social and responsible actions as patrons and volunteers.


Key word for us, respect implies understanding and sharing of values.


A real key word for us, respect presupposes understanding and sharing of values, not only regarding the consultants who make up our Group, but also towards our clients and the institutional world around us. Ethics guide the way we do our job.


Being a social innovation laboratory is our approach to human resources.


Being a social innovation laboratory is our approach to human resources and one of our added values. Anticipating, daring, creating new solutions, decompartmentalising the fields of action, such is our signature. To make a difference, we strive to see and do things differently and find the best way.

Team spirit

Team spirit is first of all the taste for collaborative work because a team is always more efficient.

Team spirit

This cardinal value is nourished by our appetite for collaborative work, because a team is always more efficient than the sum of its individualities. It also allows the enhancement of synergies and know-how between the different businesses of the Arthur Hunt Group: recruitment, consulting, transition management, training and coaching.


Axel Parkhouse

CEO / Partner
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Axel Parkhouse

As a graduate of the École Polytechnique and with more than 30 years of experience with large groups and associated suppliers, Axel supports the development of 2A.Territoires in the areas of governance and strategy.

Axel specialises in the takeover of industrial sites, including the development of business plans and the management of reindustrialisation projects, as well as the definition and social negotiation, overhaul of processes and implementation of job and career management tools.

Sara Bertin Ducasse

Group COO / Partner
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Sara Bertin Ducasse

A graduate of the Neoma Business School, Stern University NY and HEC Executive, Sara began her career at Deloitte Consulting and joined the firm in 2003.

Certified as a coach, she leads HR and strategy consulting assignments.

With experience in managing cross-functional projects, she supports her clients on French and international projects with multiple challenges: optimisation of organisation, HR efficiency, restructuring, employer brand, change management and skills development.

She has been Group CEO of the Arthur Hunt Consulting subsidiary since 2007.

Catherine Chesnais

2AT General Director / partner
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Catherine Chesnais

After obtaining a double degree in business and science, Catherine turned to Human Resources and Organisation consulting.

In addition to supporting transformation projects, Catherine manages studies and territorial projects related to Employment, Training, Skills (Investment Programme for the Future (PIA), Skills Investment Plan (PIC), Territorial Action for Employment and Skills (ATEC), Occupation and Skills Forecasting (GPECT), Web Platform, fundraising, etc.).

She is also asked by customers to define and implement HR policies (regulation, management of jobs and career paths (GEPP), recruitment, health/safety at work, disability, psychosocial risks/quality of life and conditions at work, etc.).

Didier Dreyfous -Ducas

Founder / Partner
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Didier Dreyfous -Ducas

Didier started his career at Arthur Andersen before taking up financial management positions at Compugraphic and Oger International.

He became the Havas Group Management Control Director and joined the Concept Group, where he became Sales Director and then General Manager.

He founded the Arthur Hunt firm in 1991 together with Charles-Henri de Beauvoir.

He holds a Master’s degree in Management from Paris IX-Dauphine and is a chartered accountant.

Thanks to his professional experience, he advises clients of different sizes, from SMEs to major international groups.

Charles-Henri de Beauvoir

Founder / Partner
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Charles-Henri de Beauvoir

Charles-Henri spent 15 years with Arthur Andersen.

First as an Auditor and then as Human Resources Director.

In 1991, together with Didier Dreyfous-Ducas, he founded the Arthur Hunt firm specialising in executive search.

Charles-Henri is a graduate of the EDHEC Business School.

He is certified and authorised to use the PfPI personality questionnaire.

Co-founder of the Arthur Hunt company, Charles-Henri advises many companies in various sectors: financial services, industry, distribution & consumer goods, media, publishing & advertising, IT & telecommunications, etc.

Thanks to his previous professional experience, Charles-Henri is specialised in positions in General Management, Finance and Consulting, and also General Secretariat and Human Resources.

Corinne Myrteza

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Corinne Myrteza

Corinne began her career at EY as a financial auditor. She then joined Ipsos where she was Director of Management Control then Secretary General of Ipsos France. In 2000, she joined a subsidiary of Aegis Dentsu as General Secretary then DG Finance. In 2005, she became general secretary of Publicis Consultants.

Since 2010, she has been a partner of Arthur Hunt Executive Search, a recruitment firm for executives. She supports companies in their transformation by identifying the talents that will contribute to performance. Corinne is able to handle all the functions of a management committee. Her major areas of expertise are Corporate Affairs, Communication, finance functions, HR and professional services.

After a hypokhâgne and khâgne, she graduated from IEP Paris. PFPI certified.

Bern Terrel

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Bern Terrel

Bern entered the world of recruitment in 1998.

Initially with Tilmont Conseil / Raymond Poulain Consultants (Menway Group), and with Hudson between 2005 and 2015,

He successively held the positions of Senior Consultant, Branch Director, Regional Director, Director of the Industry & FMCG BU.

Since 2015, he has been a Partner of Arthur Hunt Executive Search.

He supports companies in their transformation by identifying the talents that will contribute to performance.

He deals with the recruitment of experts, experienced executives and managers, mainly in the field of industry, services to industry and the Transport / Supply Chain sector.

He holds a Master 2 in Management and Business Administration from IAE Bordeaux.

He is certified and authorized to use the HBDI (Hermann Test) and the PFPI.

Anne Cudkowicz

Transition General Director / Partner
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Anne Cudkowicz

With a Master’s degree in Private Law and a Master’s in Human Resources from EM Strasbourg, Anne joined Arthur Hunt Transition in 2010 and became General Manager and Business Partner in 2019.

Anne began her professional career with a headhunting firm specialising in the recruitment of senior executives, then for seven years she set up, developed and managed the Marketing & Commercial division at Expectra (Randstad Group).

Thanks to nearly twenty years’ experience in consulting and supporting executives, Anne has extensive expertise in organisational transformation and development.

Anne has extensive knowledge of the industrial and service sectors.

She is well acquainted with private equity and family businesses as well as major international groups.

Gwenola Dubois Dorkel

Transition General Director / Partner
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Gwenola Dubois Dorkel

With an MBA in Management from IFAG Paris, and after 10 years as a consultant and then manager at Expectra (Ranstand Group), Gwënola joined the Arthur Hunt Group in 2005 to develop the Transition Management business.

Gwënola became a Partner in 2017 and General Manager in 2019.

Gwënola has been working in Transition Management for more than 20 years and has market and business expertise that she provides to her clients to support them in their projects.

She is always seeking new challenges in varied and complex situations for transition managers.

Transformation/change management, crisis management, development for companies.

Sylvie Baychelier

LTT General Director / Partner
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Sylvie Baychelier

Sylvie specialises in evaluating and supporting directors and members of management committees.

She is also involved in setting up leadership programmes for high potentials.

She developed and runs the Talent network internationally.

She has over 30 years’ experience in team and entity management, first in Executive Search and then in Talent Management.

She completed a dual course in Political Arts and Sciences and is a certified RNCP coach at IFOD.

Laurent Amelineau

Key account manager
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Laurent Amelineau

Bio to come

Our business sectors

Our business sectors


Weakened by successive crises, including COVID, the French automotive sector needs to reinvent itself and open up new horizons.
At the same time, it must continue to respond to constant pressure on prices and increasingly harsh environmental and regulatory constraints.
This context is reflected for the sector’s players, areas and industrial sites by an increasing number of challenges in terms of jobs and skills.
We support them particularly in their challenges to adapt their models and their organisation: support for the implementation of a new organisation or new business lines, optimisation of processes and cost reduction, change in supplier panels, forward-looking skills management, recruitment and assessment, etc.

Our business sectors


The aeronautics industry’s distinctive feature is the complexity of its supply chain, which includes a large number of SMEs, and the complex technological risks to control the entire value chain.
The industry nevertheless needs to speed up its quest for industrial performance and the consolidation of the sector.
It is undergoing major changes to meet the challenges of decarbonisation.
This has a strong impact within organisations for managers and employees, and in acquiring new skills.
We have been supporting developments in the sector for over 30 years.
We are also involved in supporting managers and the performance of organisations.

Our business sectors

Banking and Insurance

Financial sector companies have evolved significantly to maintain their performance level despite low interest rates for many years.
The digitisation of part of their activities and the ability to reinvent the customer relationship remain at the heart of their retail activities.
Performance is also evolving in increasingly complex and regulated capital markets activities.
In this context, human capital is the key asset, and the employee relationship also needs to be adjusted.
Since reinventing a company to be more efficient and competitive also involves integrating new talent and combining leadership and performance, we help companies with the design of their talent acquisition strategies.

Our business sectors

Consumer goods & distribution

This sector includes large groups that have the capacity to adapt to market changes and a multitude of SMEs that will have to keep changing in order to survive.
Initiatives to increase productivity and develop internationally are the keys to success that are taking shape, and which generate new challenges for the sector in terms of human resources and employment.
To meet these challenges, we support companies by implementing tailor-made, innovative commercial systems.
We help them anticipate jobs and skills needs.
We also support companies in their recruitment and assessment process so that they surround themselves with talent combining leadership and performance.

Our business sectors


The digitisation of the sector, the emergence of big data, programmatic purchasing, threats from internet giants… the world of communication is going through a change in direction.
All these factors must be taken into account when planning a cross-functional communication strategy for the benefit of consumers/citizens.
In this context, we help advertisers and agencies successfully manage their transformations.
In particular, by helping them to surround themselves with talent that can provide top-notch advice and are able to think outside the box.
Our consultants are experts in the media and communication sector, and can help our customers to strengthen their teams with communicators able to support companies, brands and products in their many challenges (development, reputation, protection).

Our business sectors

Consulting & Auditing

At a time when consulting and auditing firms are having to rethink their model and their offering so as to be more competitive, integrating new talent that combines leadership and performance is a priority.
We support our customers in this recruitment and assessment process.
Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of the consulting professions, we are able to identify the right senior manager or partner to support players in designing their development and transformation strategies.
We also support the integration of women and men who think outside the box or from a new perspective, who have strong development capacities and who have the creativity needed to design innovative and disruptive solutions.

Our business sectors

Energy and utilities

Faced with a raft of paradigms, sector players have to adapt and keep on reinventing their performance model.
Such changes inevitably lead to a similarly large number of human resources problems.
We help all companies in the sector to address the performance and competitiveness issues related to their employees’ jobs and skills.
Our teams also help companies with change management: adapting their skills models and organisations, new organisational strategies, anticipating skills, establishing new occupations, strengthening the employability of their staff, training for management.
Lastly, we support them in their recruitment and assessment process.

Our business sectors

Public and Private Hospitals

Payroll currently represents almost 70% of a hospital’s budget.
The changes underway involve giving thought to the link between human resources management and quality of patient care.
We keep this in mind when we work alongside such establishments on all their performance issues in terms of jobs and skills, particularly in the design and implementation of new working time organisations.
We help them streamline their operating methods, reduce the rate of absenteeism, maintain the employment of people with disabilities, implement internal mobility systems, etc. We support these players in their internal communication actions and in their negotiations with social partners; an unprecedented cultural challenge for this sector.
We also prepare them to cope with future changes, such as new technologies, all aspects of outpatient care and home care for the elderly, which will have a major impact on tomorrow’s skills.

Our business sectors

Healthcare industries

Numerous restructurings are taking place due to the transformation of business lines in this sector.
We help healthcare industries with all their human resources issues, particularly those relating to the adaptation of their skills models and organisations (internal mobility agreements, new organisation strategies, establishing new occupations, training for management, recruitment & assessment, etc.).
We also support industries in the changes they need to make: anticipating jobs and skills in their area and strengthening the employability of their staff, particularly for people with jobs considered sensitive.
Our experts also conduct studies offering stakeholders a view of such developments.

Our business sectors

Process industry

The sector is experiencing many uncertainties. Since there are few levers for improving profitability, closures of sites, even efficient ones, and job cuts are common.
We help our customers carry out the restructuring needed to improve their performance in terms of skills and jobs by putting in place innovative, pragmatic measures that help them manage change.
It is all the more necessary in these environments to give meaning to the teams despite strategic choices that can sometimes escape them.
Specific managerial levers are developed by our teams, in particular in the form of “assessment and development centres” to attract, retain and mobilize talent.
We support industries in their internal communication actions and in their negotiations with social partners.
Lastly, we establish improvement processes to promote staff employability.

Our business sectors

Public service

With our knowledge of the sector and our business expertise, we support local authorities in their thinking on change management.
Our consultants design and implement innovative and pragmatic systems that help stakeholders manage transformations.
We help public players redesign their organisational and governance methods.
We also support HR functions in reflecting on how they can use forward-looking management of jobs and career paths (GEPP), and implement real operational HR strategies around issues of job retention, absenteeism management, managerial training, etc.

Our business sectors

Transport and logistics

Players in this multi-faceted sector are in a highly competitive market that is particularly sensitive to economic conditions.
It employs a large number of unskilled workers and must hire or develop managers to support the change.
Performance management skills are the key to success.
We help our customers with all their performance and competitiveness issues, particularly those relating to recruitment and assessment.
We help them in their search for financial, commercial (particularly international), IT/organisation, profit centre managers, etc. to support their development in businesses that are highly regulated and manage complex physical flows.

Arthur Hunt

Our offices
in France and abroad

In France

Arthur Hunt

TEL: +33 1 56 696 696
+33 1 56 696 672
FAX: +33 1 56 696 690

Arthur Hunt


Arthur Hunt


Arthur Hunt


Arthur Hunt


In Europa

Arthur Hunt


TEL: +43 1 533 13 15
FAX : +43 1 533 13 15 16

Arthur Hunt

Slovak Republic

Tel: +421 2 52 63 27 61
E-mail :

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt Group Romania
164 Vasile Lascar Street – District 2
050511 Bucharest | Romania

Land line: +40 21 210 01 37
Fax: +40 21 210 01 36

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt s.r.o.
Anny Letenské 34/7, 120 00 Praha 2
(Prague 2)

Main contact: +420 773 531 858
E-mail :

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt Group,
13-14 Madách Street | 1075 Budapest
Madách Trade Center B ép. / 2. em

Office: 00 36 1 361 36 12
General e-mail:
E-mail for sending CVs :

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt Consulting Polska Sp. z o.o. 16/17
00-582 Warszawa

Tel. +48 22 290 28 28