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Would you like to join an innovative, efficient and inclusive Human Resources Group?
The Arthur Hunt Group’s women and men share and hold five strong values. They form our corporate culture. They are expressed in our daily lives.
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Our activities
Faced with increasingly complex environments, companies and public institutions need to be more agile than ever. At Arthur Hunt Consulting, we design and deploy innovative measures to support our customers with anticipating and managing the changes they need to make, and to deal with the many challenges they face when striving to improve performance and achieve a quality work-life balance.
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The 2020s are characterised by major transformations which create complex situations for our customers. Recruitment is a key and very strategic process. Arthur Hunt is there to support our customers, by offering them original solutions so that they take on the best talent.
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Transition Management
Set up in 2001, Arthur Hunt Transition is one of the pioneers in Transition Management in France. We are now a leading player in this market.
We support our customers:
– Large groups, mid-caps, SMEs, with their transformation, crisis management and relay management projects.
– Transition managers, with identifying the best assignment opportunity.
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Change & Talent
To meet current economic, societal and environmental challenges, organisations are having to rethink their business model and their organisation. To achieve this, Arthur Hunt Leadership, Talent and Transformation helps them to consolidate their sustainable performance model.
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The Arthur Hunt Group is the result of the merger between Hommes & Technologies, created by Axel Parkhouse, and the recruitment firm, Arthur Hunt, created by Charles-Henri de Beauvoir and Didier Dreyfous-Ducas.
How managers see their management
Find out about this IFOP Survey for Bona Fidé and Arthur Hunt via a PDF document.
Arthur Hunt –Executive Search cultural interludes
Arthur Hunt Executive Search regularly organises private visits for its clients. This time spent together in an enjoyable cultural setting is greatly appreciated.
Network management
On behalf of the FIPHFP (Fund for the integration of disabled people into the civil service), Arthur Hunt Consulting runs the network of disability representatives throughout the Ile-de-France region.
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CSR Policy
As people are at the heart of our practice, being committed to our employees is naturally one of our priorities.