Analyse. Anticipate.
Understand to do better.
Join us
At Arthur Hunt Consulting, we design and deploy innovative measures to support our customers with anticipating and managing the changes they need to make, and to deal with the many challenges they face when striving to improve performance and achieve a quality work-life balance.
At the same time, we help business sectors and local authorities to anticipate the jobs and skills they need and to prepare for the changes and investments needed in local areas or on industrial sites. A tailor-made approach, staunchly respectful of our customers’ corporate culture and teams.
Our added value is based on:
- A team of consultants who know how to turn our customers’ challenges, vision and ambitions into operational solutions that their employees can understand.
- Our renowned business expertise in human resources, social relations, remuneration, project management and auditing, combined with our sectoral know-how, enables us to mobilise multidisciplinary teams.
Our Consulting teams operate under three distinct brands:
- Arthur Hunt Consulting operates everywhere in France for its large Group, ETI, SME clients
- 2A.TERRITOIRES specifically targets SMEs in territories
- Evocare works in establishments and companies in the health, social and medico-social sector.
The team

Axel Parkhouse
Axel Parkhouse
As a graduate of the École Polytechnique and with more than 30 years of experience with large groups and associated suppliers, Axel supports the development of 2A.Territoires in the areas of governance and strategy.
Axel specialises in the takeover of industrial sites, including the development of business plans and the management of reindustrialisation projects, as well as the definition and social negotiation, overhaul of processes and implementation of job and career management tools.

Sara Bertin Ducasse
Sara Bertin Ducasse
A graduate of the Neoma Business School, Stern University NY and HEC Executive, Sara began her career at Deloitte Consulting and joined the firm in 2003. Certified as a coach, she leads HR and strategy consulting assignments.
With experience in managing cross-functional projects, she supports her clients on French and international projects with multiple challenges: optimisation of organisation, HR efficiency, restructuring, employer brand, change management and skills development.
She has been Group CEO of the Arthur Hunt Consulting subsidiary since 2007.

Jean-Philippe Gouin
Jean-Philippe Gouin
A graduate of the École Centrale de Lille, Jean-Philippe began his career at Korn Ferry, before joining KPMG as Remuneration & Employee Benefits Manager.
Remuneration Department Director at LHH, then Partner at Deloitte in charge of remuneration consulting, Jean-Philippe finally joined the firm in 2018.
He supports his clients in implementing classification and strategic alignment of the remuneration policy.

Caroline Faugère
Caroline Faugère
With a Master’s degree in Social Law and a Master’s in Management from EM Lyon, Caroline began her career at LHH in 2002 and then worked for the Arcelor-Mittal Group, where she held various operational HR positions for 5 years.
She joined the firm in 2015. She is involved in leading transformation projects to optimise HR performance. Her expertise ranges from human resources to training course planning and design, via social communication and implementation of a GEPP (management of jobs and career paths) policy.

Hervé Bourassin
Hervé Bourassin
A graduate in Social Law with an Executive Master’s in HR at Sciences Po Paris, Hervé began his career in French and International financial institutions in various human resources positions.
He joined the firm as a manager in 2015. A coach, mediator and trainer specializing in HR development and professional transition. He guides compagnies and their managers towards pragmatic and effective solutions.

Fredéric Bethery
Frédéric Bethery
A graduate in Labour Analysis, Organisation and Employment Management, Frédéric’s career path has taken him to French and international HR consulting firms as well as professional federations.
Since joining the firm in 2018, Frédéric has contributed his expertise in managing social data, HR performance, jobs and skills analysis, classification, remuneration and support with drawing up contracts and agreements to the projects of companies and sectors. He is also a trainer on multiple HR and managerial subjects.

Paola Bouisse
Paola Bouisse
Paola is a specialist in Outplacements, holds a Master’s in Biochemistry, and is a coach with solid experience in HR, acquired in international pharmaceutical groups and then in consulting firms.
She joined the firm in 2013 to provide operational management for PSE, PDV and RCC projects. She supports our expert consultants in professional repositioning in the success of employees’ projects. She also provides tailored individual support focused on dynamic development and achieving results.

Béatrice Monnier
Béatrice Monnier
Bio to come

Alexandra Garcia
Alexandra Garcia
Bio to come

Mélanie Jeanjean-Bréault
Mélanie Jeanjean-Bréault
With a Master’s in Organisation Consulting and HR Management, Mélanie has proven experience in HR consulting and recruitment.
She worked at Deloitte’s Human Capital before joining the firm in 2020. She manages collective and individual support assignments, in professional mobility (internal/external), for clients undergoing reorganisation or restructuring following economic and social change.

Anne Dehaumont
Anne Dehaumont
With a Master’s degree in ESC and a Master’s in Team Coaching, Anne began her career in research consulting and marketing strategy before joining the BPI/Leroy Consultants group in 2006.
She joined the firm in 2018 and is involved in providing individual support for career/outplacement transitions and coaching for senior managers and executives.

Mélanie Ponsot
Mélanie Ponsot
A graduate of Sciences-Po Aix, Mélanie worked in HR consulting and employment at HAYS, then AFPA and Alixio, before joining Arthur Hunt Consulting in 2022.
She provides her customers with her hands-on experience and support with change management. In particular, she supports them in their HR transformation projects in the areas of employment, skills and training.

Caroline Gosse
Caroline Gosse
Caroline holds a degree from the EMLV (Leonardo da Vinci Management School) and a Corporate Finance MBA from the PSB Paris School of Business. She began her career in an auditing firm before joining the corporate finance departments.
She has provided her expertise in finance, procedure management and cross-functional IT, legal and human resources matters for more than 10 years.

Sophie Pagès
Sophie Pagès
With a D.E.S.S “Gestion et Administration de l’Emploi” (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) and a certificate in “Leadership et management complexe” (Sciences Po Executive Education), Sophie has over 30 years’ professional experience acquired in consulting firms, training organizations and companies.
She offers you proven and recognized expertise in HR & training consulting, on a wide range of subjects such as HR and L&D transformations, skills engineering, the impact of vocational training reforms, certification strategies and financing engineering.
« Operational advice for efficient HR systems to advance your strategy »
Our expertises
A career assessment is a skills assessment during which the employer is involved. As an employee, you can ask your employer for one, or it may be offered by your line manager or your employer.
This 24-hour assessment with several sessions over a period of 2 to 4 months is divided into 3 phases:
1. A preliminary phase in the presence of the employer, employee and consultant
2. An investigation or operational phase
3. A conclusion phase presenting the detailed results and summary document
The results of the assessment belong to you and may only be communicated to your company with your consent. A follow-up is carried out 6 months after the end of the assessment to find out the progress of your professional prospects and any changes you may have had within the company.
Arthur Hunt Consulting is Qualiopi certified in career and skills assessment. Our expert consultants are certified in individual coaching.
You can pay for it via your personal training account (CPF) or your Skills Operator (OPCO) in your sector of activity or your company.
We build a tailor-made outplacement approach around your challenges, your resumé and your expectations.
Our approach will target your strengths, skills, motivation and mobility to find an attractive project.
A Consultant Coach representative will support you throughout the process through a proven methodology and tools such as career assessment, personality inventory, personal branding, digital profile, activation group and network workshops to ensure the success of your transition to a new role.
You will be able to explore business creation, transition management, total or partial professional retraining, combined work and retirement, as well as a more traditional job search with our expert coaches.
We involve all the talent of the Group, and in particular our Transition Management and Executive Search subsidiaries, to offer you cross-perspectives on the labour market and professional opportunities.
We can also provide support from the very first negotiations via an Information and Advice Point.
We create a relationship of trust with the employees we support, based on empathy and listening. Our tailored approach is individualised to take into account the aspirations and challenges of the employees we support, including situations of fragility or disability.
Our expert consultants are committed to the success of projects with a view to a concrete, sustainable and secure professional solution: return to employment, professional retraining, business creation/takeover or retirement project.
A team dedicated to studying economic areas and job prospecting allows us to achieve a 95% success rate at all our employment centres.
Our firm is ranked “High Profile” in the Leaders League ranking of the best outplacement firms.
The Arthur Hunt Consulting coaches and experts work with you to build a meaningful project and ensure your success.
We create a genuine relationship of trust with you based on a real partnership and a tailor-made approach to help you develop your leadership and define your value proposition.
Our methodology alternates individual sessions with your coach with thematic workshops and conferences.
Beyond the employee project, you will be able to explore business creation/takeover, transition management, umbrella employment or even do a retirement readiness assessment, etc. I
n addition, we capitalise on our subsidiaries’ talent and networks with our partners from the Executive search and Transition Management subsidiaries, to provide different perspectives and offer more opportunities.
- Planning ahead for your reorganisation
- Support for restructuring
- Social performance & negotiation
- Training in social facilitation
- Revitalisation
Using a collaborative approach in project mode, Arthur Hunt Consulting determines the most suitable way to effectively fulfil your strategic goals.
We advise you on your project, taking into account the social, financial, cultural and corporate image impacts.
We link your strategic guidelines (legal obligation) with regard to this new challenge.
Together with your legal advisors, we draw up the documents required to carry out consultations (European Works Council, Economic and Social Committee, Subregional Organisation, etc.) and prepare negotiation tactics.
We develop an internal and external social communication strategy to boost project acceptance and the availability of your key employees, for the success of the project.
Our team of experts advise on internal communication, the economic study of employment pools, employee mobility (see career change expertise), psychosocial risk prevention and the mobilisation of managers.
Resolutely focused on maintaining a calm social climate, Arthur Hunt Consulting makes every effort to support each company player in this change.
We support you in your meetings with institutional partners during the project rationale and explanatory phase and set up a monitoring system.
Our analysis even correlates job sectors in decline with understaffed sectors or jobs available around the country, in order to offer your employees professional repositioning opportunities.
Arthur Hunt Consulting helps you rethink your social performance, both strategically and operationally, to come up with a high-quality, balanced social dialogue, a real driver of your transformations.
Your goals can be achieved by way of a good social climate. We help you to diagnose your situation, provide feedback on obstacles and set up long-lasting new schemes.
Your managers need to be trained and understand what is expected of them in this strategy.
Communication must be controlled, educational and redesigned so that information can circulate better between all players (management, staff representatives, unions, managers, employees).
We are convinced that your managers are the drivers of your social policy and its challenges.
We train your teams to build high-quality, on-the-ground social dialogue while integrating your culture and your constraints.
Our proven methodology enables us to put in place an effective strategy, in particular the mapping of the various stakeholders of your project, to make your information consultations successful.
Our approach to crisis management allows your teams to always plan ahead and prevent risks.
Our support covers the various stages of the process:
– Upstream social and local area impact studies
– Assistance with negotiations with the State to optimise the amount
– Drafting of the agreement taking into account innovative approaches consistent with the affected activity, the characteristics of the employment pool,
the local development strategy projects for the regional economy with which our customers can partner
– Implementation and operational management of the agreement
– Management of financial funds
Reviewing the efficiency of your organisation in a context of transformation or with a view to continuous improvement.
An organisational audit of a department/service provides insights to the teams that carry it out and to management.
Active listening makes it possible to review information flows, processes, the distribution and organisation of assignments and human relations in terms of expected performance and strategy.
It highlights the qualitative role as business partner that each department plays.
Through its recommendations, it can be used as a performance lever and can:
- Clarify new priorities in roles and assignments
- Rebalance the workload towards optimised added value
- Strengthen the commitment and motivation of teams on a daily basis
Arthur Hunt Consulting helps you better understand and support your employees’ career paths at all stages of their life in the company, from onboarding to offboarding.
From the critical analysis of your current situation to benchmarking, we support you in deciphering each of these stages.
Our methodology is in keeping with our philosophy of continuous improvement and team approach, while integrating the necessary digitisation of the stages of the process.
This process linked to the QWL and Inclusion procedures must be consistent with the overall HR policy in order to make it a lever for the employer brand.
We support you in the various challenges of HR marketing:
– Communicating and cultivating acceptance for the HR topics you address
– Getting your employees involved by having the right level of HR information in their career paths
– Creating commitment through a tailor-made communication plan on the company’s strategic projects
For each of your HR projects, Arthur Hunt Consulting develops pragmatic communication plans that respect your communication culture: simple tools adapted to each audience. Thanks to our digital know-how, we can offer you innovative and adapted communication media.
The expert teams at Arthur Hunt Consulting help you rethink your organisational practices and develop your loyalty and attractiveness strategy.
In addition to the traditional remuneration lever, we analyse, with you, your values, your culture, your managerial practices, your living and working conditions. This allows us to co-construct what makes you unique.
We are convinced that at a time when many key professions are difficult to recruit, investment around an employer brand structured and embodied by its employees is a major challenge for a company.
We are therefore working to make these elements visible and to verbalise them in order to make your company attractive to new talent and to grow the loyalty of your teams.
- Tailor-made training courses
- Corporate academy or university
- Personal development
- Team and management seminar
We build tailored managerial training courses for local managers to members of management committees.
Our training services are based on your needs and your training projects. We also organise co-development sessions for your teams.
We provide you with:
- Innovative educational approaches combining conceptual inputs with simulation and experimentation, which make up over 70% of the course
- Consideration of your corporate culture and the specific features of your private or public sector activity
- A team of experienced management trainers who work as consultants to stay as close as possible to the field
- A team of trainers made up of consultants and senior managers who are experts in their field
- Thorough quality monitoring of all our training activities
Our training courses are held either at your premises or at our local premises.
For more information on our training courses, see our catalogue of training programmes.
Arthur Hunt Consulting has been Qualiopi certified since 2021. We are committed to focusing on vocational qualifications and professional development.
While skills development is a priority for companies, traditional learning solutions are no longer enough. The pace of transformation is accelerating, offers are expanding, activities are being digitised and diversified, and professions and skills are changing.
Companies have to bring more value to learning, making it more attractive in order to ensure a development of skills in keeping with the company’s transformation.
Our support when setting up an in-house academy:
1. Drawing up the Academy’s master plan to define a clear mission, strategic focus areas, the service offering, an effective organisation and a roadmap
2. Setting up an organisation to manage the Academy that can deliver added value for its internal and external customers
3. Developing training policies and practices towards more strategy, partnership and anticipation
4. Communicating this vision to mobilise and unite stakeholders
The Arthur Hunt Consulting teams help you optimise their potential and their behavioural skills.
We provide you with a personalised or team approach, based on questionnaires and personality inventories with:
- EIQ (emotional intelligence) to identify and develop emotional intelligence skills to better manage emotions and interact and communicate with others
- The Talents profile with TLP Navigator to identify and develop natural talent in the private sphere
- MBTI to identify behavioural preferences and develop new behaviour/maximise potential
- AEC DISC to identify preferences to adapt behaviour and communication with others
Arthur Hunt Consulting offers you a personalised approach in seminars from half a day to several days.
The team cohesion seminar uses collective intelligence to:
– Develop a better way to work together and communicate
– Strengthen relationships of trust and exemplary behaviour.
For management teams or managers, Group Coaching aims to create a “community” to allow the emergence of new skills, new ways of acting and interacting, confronting each other, creating and engaging together by assuming joint responsibility for the group. There are many benefits: strengthening team cohesion, energising a managerial community, strengthening relationships of trust and exemplary behaviour, reinventing methods of collaboration and/or decision-making in line with your organisation’s strategy and ambition.
- Classification
- Social data analysis and management
- Benchmark & remuneration diagnostics
- Remuneration policy
- Harmonisation of employment status
Classification is in fact the major determinant of remuneration levels and structures. It is a prerequisite for any internal or external comparison in order to have relevant and usable information.
The job weighting method developed by Arthur Hunt allows you to view your organisation through the prism of responsibilities, to help you clarify it, secure your succession plans and develop your remuneration policy.
We have developed an approach that is suitable for new working methods (project mode, remote, more autonomous teams, etc.) and operational, visual and easily transferred to customers’ teams, thus allowing autonomy in maintenance.
Since it is compatible with all market methods and a number of collective agreements, you are free to use the results with the provider of your choice.
A team of classification experts supports you in setting up and training your teams.
With its ability to process data, the Reward team deploys outsourced solutions to ensure data processing and HR reporting by improving compliance and data quality while reducing the associated costs.
This range of HR reporting solutions covers many different areas: HR diagnosis, BDESE (economic, social and environmental database), Professional Equality (Index and Comparative Situation Report), Individual Social Report (BSI), Absenteeism monitoring, Payroll management, etc.
We specialise in producing the various reports on behalf of our customers (from the construction and quality control of the databases to the transfer of tools and deliverables to the customer’s teams) thus allowing autonomy in updating and monitoring.
Arthur Hunt Consulting helps you determine your salary policy, by analysing your internal equity and your external competitiveness.
Whether it is a one-off need to respond to an individual situation, or a need to change your remuneration policy, we analyse your internal remuneration practices across all remuneration components (base salary, bonuses, variables, profit-sharing, employee benefits, etc.) and your external competitiveness by business line, region, etc.
We carry out remuneration diagnostics in the general market, sector studies and bespoke surveys to meet your specific needs.
Through our subsidiary C&B Alternative, we have additional accurate information by employment pool on industrial and commercial populations (link to site).
This provides you with objective and reliable information to analyse your position and develop your policy to increase your attractiveness.
Arthur Hunt Consulting supports you in the strategic alignment of your remuneration policy.
Through our understanding of your strategy and your challenges, we help you align your remuneration levels and structures with your objectives.
We support you in developing ranges of remuneration by level of responsibility and by business line, in planning or implementing variable remuneration, employee savings schemes and employee benefits.
Our operational management tools are adapted to your environment to enable you to manage individual and collective increases and variable parts.
Our expertise in modelling is used to keep the financial impacts associated with these developments under control and to improve your performance.
Through our teams of experts, we support you from policy development to implementation, through communication, training of managers and negotiation with your social partners.
In the context of a change in collective status (Mergers/Acquisitions, change in collective agreement, etc.), Arthur Hunt Consulting supports you from the creation of a decision support file to its implementation.
We help you to:
– List all the components and rules of your collective status
– Carry out individual and collective simulations to identify the overall cost, impacts by population and their changes over time
– Build the target status in accordance with your budget package
– Prepare the negotiation
– Communicate and negotiate the new employment status
- Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
- Training & awareness-raising
- Disability support
- Diversity & Inclusion representative on a shared time basis
Arthur Hunt Consulting supports you in all diversity and inclusion matters (gender equality, disability, LGBTQIA+, parenthood, intergenerational, origins, etc.).
Our actions systematically adapt to your business environment, the size of your organisation and the issues at stake (compliance, CSR policy, employer brand, talent policy, etc.) :
– Auditing, action plans and policy,
– Assistance with drawing up and negotiating agreements,
– Support for cultural change (training, awareness-raising),
– Coordination of internal and external networks and communities,
– Disability and/or diversity representative on a shared time basis
Our expert consultants are by your side, providing operational support, from the implementation of action plans to the transfer of skills to your internal HR teams.
We support you in this transition through a wide range of communication and awareness actions that may be “plug and play” or tailored to your ambitions and challenges.
We also use specialised partners depending on your needs. Work on how we see ourselves and how we see others, the measurement of the impact of bias in decisions, the knowledge and understanding of our legal texts are often steps that should not be disregarded.
Cultural change is inevitable through new ways of working and collaborating, and Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) subjects often question the managerial model, the place given to innovation and HR practices. We build bespoke managerial training.
Our training courses are adapted to new methods of facilitation: e-learning, in-person training, co-development, team coaching, etc.
Arthur Hunt Consulting has been Qualiopi certified since 2021.
Arthur Hunt Consulting has developed a support service to secure the key moments of integration, getting back to work and career changes. Our team of coaches and disability experts are there to help your employees and their teams to “work together”, regardless of the disability, at key moments in a three-pronged approach.
A single objective: to enable everyone to express their potential and their skills while respecting differences. We also provide assistance during face-to-face or remote consultations to inform and answer your employees’ questions on being recognised as a disabled worker, their rights, the impact of being recognised as disabled, etc. In the long term, we help your employees build up their file, identify their constraints and any special arrangements they may need, and provide feedback that guarantees confidentiality and respect for each individual.
Arthur Hunt Consulting provides you with a disability and/or diversity officer.
Our regularly trained team has the following strengths and advantages:
– Expertise on issues of diversity, disability and professional gender equality
– Expertise in project management
– Immediate operationality for optimised time saving
– Maintaining distance and neutrality
– Quick results and effects
– Knowledge of external networks
– Feedback, benchmarks, etc.
The number of days per month/week and the duration are defined at the start of the assignment according to your challenges and needs.
- Risk prevention and occupational health
- Psychosocial risk prevention
- Psychological or sexual harassment
- Quality of Work Life and Working Conditions
- Prevention of occupational deprivation
Our experts support you in defining and implementing your prevention policy through the DUERP [Single Occupational Risk Assessment], PAPRIPACT [Annual Programme for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Improvement of Working Conditions] or your company’s annual prevention plan. Beyond your legal obligations, we offer you an approach to support your business strategy.
In view of the importance of the human factor in terms of accidentology, the Arthur Hunt Consulting approach also incorporates the cultural changes that need to be supported through education. Our goal: to empower all employees with a view to interdependence, by encouraging habits that improve individual and collective safety.
Arthur Hunt Consulting experts work on the three areas of prevention in a consistent approach:
- Primary prevention: psychosocial risk diagnosis and prevention action plan,
- Secondary prevention: training/awareness to better deal with psychosocial risks, listening unit,
- Tertiary prevention: intervention in the case of a serious event or crisis within a working group.
Our approach is designed to last over time and we can help you implement your action plans through the firm’s various divisions.
We have intervention protocols adapted to each situation.
Our team of experts in managing sensitive situations provides you with the necessary support and assistance in these circumstances and has a rapid response time.
We carry out investigations in the event of presumed harassment, while respecting all parties involved, protecting the potential victim, communicating with the Economic and Social Committee and providing restitution to the various stakeholders.
Whether you have to handle a tense situation, conflict or even harassment within a working group, Arthur Hunt Consulting intervenes rapidly to put in place the appropriate system depending on the situation encountered and its context. The support procedures are adapted to the situation (discussion groups, individual interviews, crisis management unit, mediation, coaching, etc.).
A real growth driver, the Arthur Hunt Consulting approach is collaborative and inclusive of business challenges, and contributes to maintaining or recreating a suitable working environment.
Our team, experienced in project management and change management, supports you so that occupational health and QWL are no longer a constraint but an opportunity.
From planning to the concrete implementation of actions, we provide you with the appropriate framework, tools and methodology, including all stakeholders in the project. There are many different means and levers of action.
Lastly, QWL is one of your company’s most important levers of attractiveness in terms of CSR.
Because there are periods in life when it is hard to keep on working, employers have a social and societal responsibility to maintain the employability of its employees. It is not always easy. We support you in the search for acceptable, humane solutions to secure your employees’ career paths. Faced with these difficulties, we have created turnkey support services: remobilisation and back-to-work pathways, team coaching, individual coaching, support for the development of a new career plan, etc.
Our solutions aim to limit the impact of your employees’ health problems and long-term sick leave, limit the risk of unfitness for work, ensure that work relations are maintained during sick leave and facilitate their return to work.
- Employment outlook
- Job descriptions, job gateways
- Skills repository
- Digital platform for employee information and guidance
- Negotiation of a GEPP
Through our future-oriented sector studies, our teams of experts analyse and monitor these changes for various occupational groups. With us, review your challenges in terms of job and skill changes over the next 5 years:
– Understanding of structural changes in regulatory and technological plans and their impact on the ecosystem and business lines
– Identification of emerging jobs and skills and the associated training needs
– Understanding regional dynamics to adapt to these transformations
– Recommendations on adaptation levers for companies in the sector
Arthur Hunt Consulting offers you a 360° view of the challenges of your sector to confirm or strengthen its attractiveness, based on the perception of changes by companies, professionals, training stakeholders and institutions.
The Arthur Hunt Consulting team supports you in this project by providing you with a benchmark view of the trends in the development of jobs and skills in your sector.
Our updating process is structured, collaborative and streamlined.
We also offer digital formats to facilitate access to and understanding of job descriptions, skills and associated job gateways.
The Arthur Hunt Consulting experts support you in building or updating your skills repository and in communicating with your teams.
Cet outil indispensable permet aux collaborateurs de devenir acteurs de leur développement professionnel et participe à la compétitivité de votre entreprise.
This essential tool allows employees to become actors in their professional development and contributes to your company’s competitiveness. Combined with day-to-day management, it is only of interest if it is understood, operational and easy to use in day-to-day management activities such as recruitment, internal mobility, skills appraisal, assessment of job proficiency, etc.
Our experts provide you with a solution to digitise your job descriptions and job gateways, taking into account your identity and communication culture. Directly accessible from your intranet or from a dedicated external platform, we build your career management tool with you.
The Arthur Hunt Consulting approach is reflected in a principle of “individualised browsing” in order to:
– Facilitate the approval of information through an educational approach
– Enable employees to play an active role in their mobility by identifying the skills to be developed in their current position or during internal mobility
Our solution is based on proven technology, and guarantees you a secure, scalable tool that can be updated and enhanced by your HR teams.
Our team supports you in drawing up an agreement for the management of jobs and career paths (GEPP). The implementation of this agreement is an opportunity, beyond the obligation to negotiate, to build up a dynamic of progress and cohesion internally. It is used to:
– Clarify changes in activities and their impact on jobs and skills
– Promote accessibility and understanding of possible career paths for managers and employees, through updated jobs and skills mapping
– Adapt practices and processes to secure career paths
Arthur Hunt Consulting supports you at every stage: preparing, negotiating, drawing up the agreement and translating the agreement into an action plan to unite the actors around the approach.
Implementation of the agreement must involve all the actors concerned: the members of the Economic and Social Committee, the managers and the teams, in a shared vision.

The ARTHUR HUNT Group has set up a subsidiary, 2A.TERRITOIRES, to offer SMEs a range of expertise on subjects such as:
- Governance – Management
- Human resources
- Financial performance
- Industrial performance – 5.0
- Digitisation, the Supply Chain, E-commerce
- Innovation
- Environment, Energy, Recycling
2A.Territoires supports sectors facing economic, technological and social changes to enable them to anticipate the changes, define their short- and medium-term strategies and roadmaps, and anticipate the corresponding needs in terms of resources and skills.
At regional level, we promote the development of employment through revitalisation projects and re-industrialisation initiatives by supporting and guiding the players in the corresponding ecosystem.
Find out more

We have all the expertise needed to advise and support establishments with their HR and strategic challenges.
Our offering focuses on three main areas:
- Building sustainable performance: strategy, governance, management, performance, work organisation, transformation, operational transformation and large project management
- Setting up a sustainable social pact: climate and social negotiation, healthcare and quality of work life, optimisation of the HR function, management of medical HRs, skills management, job and competency planning (GPEMC)
- Developing professionals: training, coaching, co-development, holding seminars
Find out more
Join us
We are able to offer our customers innovative HR systems because of our highly talented consultants. If you have a consulting background or come from the world of business, you will certainly have expertise that interests us and a personality that will make the difference for us. Because our objective is to succeed together, through our committed and caring management.
So, if you are convinced that your self-fulfilment depends on combining a strategic vision with operational implementation, you are our candidate.
If you are studying for a Master’s degree in HR, or at a business or engineering school, and are passionate about HR, then come and do an internship with us. You are in position, apply!
As the firm is growing rapidly, we are constantly looking for new talent.
Feel free to send us your resume.

Network management
On behalf of the FIPHFP (Fund for the integration of disabled people into the civil service), Arthur Hunt Consulting runs the network of disability representatives throughout the Ile-de-France region.
Disability representative on a shared time basis
After receiving support through a diagnostic of the employment situation of people with disabilities, the development of an appropriate action plan and the negotiation of an approved disability agreement.
Combatting discrimination
Discriminating against a person on the grounds of their gender, age, disability, racial or ethnic origin, religion, beliefs.
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